The Real Boss
Now famously nicknamed “The Real Boss”. Literally no one has made more of a commitment to KEC than my Dad. Bobby owned the Waterglades Garden Centre for as long as I can remember and when I was starting to grow my business, he showed massive confidence and trust in me. He put his entire business and life’s work on the line and offered it as collateral against my bank loans, if I failed, he lost everything. I can only imagine what he was thinking, but thankfully I can add, Dad is semi-retired, he sold the garden centre once the loans were cleared, and he is now fully invested in the motor trade. I know from speaking to others he’s proud of what we have achieved, and he is happy out lending a hand wherever and whenever it’s asked of him.
Having Bobby and my Mum around the business brings a nice dimension to the place, it might be my name above the door but they give it that family run feel which is very important to have, thanks for everything Bobby!